Passive Networking
We are a leader in the manufacturing and design of connectors and passive components for various industries and applications. Lightem In-line Attenuator is ideal for application where space is critical.

Lightem systems CWDM Mux are designed to multiplex 2Ch (WDM), up to 16Ch (CWDM) or more than 100Ch (DWDM)

DWDM is a technology for achieving extremely high data rates over fiber-optic cabling. Also known as wave division multiplexing (WDM), dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) will likely replace time-division multiplexing (TDM) as the standard transmission method for high-speed fiber-optic backbones in the next few years.

Fiber Optic Splitter
Lightem’s Optical Isolator, utilizing the Faraday effect of Magneto optical crystal, is a passive component which guides, optical light in one direction and resists the optical light in the backward direction

Fiber Attenuator
Lightem’s Optical Isolator, utilizing the Faraday effect of Magneto optical crystal, is a passive component which guides, optical light in one direction and resists the optical light in the backward direction

Lightem’s Optical Isolator, utilizing the Faraday effect of Magneto optical crystal, is a passive component which guides, optical light in one direction and resists the optical light in the backward direction

Fused Biconic WDM (LWDM)
Lightem’s Fused Biconic wavelength Division Multiplexer (FB WDM) can effectively combine and separate single mode signals at two wavelength ranges.

Optical Isolator (LISO)
Lightem’s Optical Isolator, utilizing the Faraday effect of Magneto optical crystal, is a passive component which guides, optical light in one direction and resists the optical light in the backward direction